I’ve enjoyed your replies. I actually wonder what it would be like to be you, a non American who cares so much about how things are in America. Having a math degree is great, needing to say you have one to try and “win” an argument that only you are in is hilarious.
Look, I get it. It’s ok. I understand that you need validation. If you understood what it income inequality in the USA looked like, and what’s happening with our national debt, what runaway inflation looks like, what government subsidies, what taxes, the strip mining of the middle class and how it affects home purchases - then, and maybe then you would come off of your ridiculous stance that the economy is doing well. I have no idea what country you live in, but it must be one of those ones that envies USA. I get that, it is the best country in the world. I’m glad you’re not a part of it.
I’m sorry you don’t understand my meat tidbit or why that anecdote is directly related to your points about GDP. I don’t know how to dumb it down any further than that.
I hope you find the validation you need from people that will help you overcome your lack of connection with human beings.