The unpopular opinion I’ve been forming over the last year and a half is that although the idea that AI was going to lessen the need for technical talent that what we actually are going to see is a lessening of the need for bureaucratic, administrative and executive roles and actually a swelling of need for technical skills and knowledge. Of course business domain knowledge will be necessary, but the HR functions, VP functions etc will be greatly squeezed. Many of the nontechnical will go through an enormous and probably painful shift.
Right now the cotton candy money for appeasing shareholders will prop up some of these companies with expensive overhead through the election, we are going to start to see epic downsizing of administration and a massive demand for people that are able to stitch together the seams between different AIs.
Don’t fool yourself about high salaries for engineers going down overall. But for every engineer in these bloated corporations there are 3 HR admins and a VP that are making 3x the salary. They survive layoffs, but not the kind of seismic shift that the new tech landscape is emerging as.